Being a Mom, what a gift I will never…or atleast i hope i never, take for granted. It is such a huge responsibility that i cant believe i actually have been given. Children, though they can be trying at times, are a true gift from God. I remember over 16…

  • Adam Turns 40!

    We had the best time celebrating Adams 40th! Though Adam knew where we were going for his birthday trip, I had to throw in a few surprises. Adam hates surprises and it is so hard to actually surprise him…and with this birthday being a ‘big one’, I knew I had…

  • The SURPRISE Revealed!

    I had a vision years ago, and made it come alive. There is nothing greater feeling than achieving a goal. Watch the video to see what the SURPRISE! I also had the most fun with my team of amazing girls and of course Adam, to throw this 1st Annual Graeson…

  • Riley Room Makeover

    Ever since we purchased our newer home, we haven’t really had any time to focus on making all the girls bedrooms ‘theirs’. I have added a few things here and there but never really have focused on a decorating / room update. So as our schedules have slowly started to…

  • Summer Kickoff – Splashway Vacay

    Summer is now in full swing and it’s now time to go have some fun in the sun with our family.  Over the last few weeks we have been asking the girls about what they would like to do this summer and the consensus between the girls was Splashway Waterpark! Last…

  • Peace Out 2020 School Year

    Wow! We finally made it through the most interesting school year ever. This 2020 school year was supposed to be so exciting for all our girls. Blayke was going into 4th grade and this was going to be the first year her sisters were going to attend kindergarten at the…

  • HAPPY 10th Birthday BLAYKE

    WOW! WOW! WOW!!! I can not believe my little baby girl is 10 years old today. What a true blessing Blayke has been to our lives. I will never forget the day God blessed us with her sweet little face. Blayke, you made me a Mommy and that is the…

  • Bettering Your Prayer Life

    Bettering Your Prayer Life I have to admit there was a time that I never really thought of myself as having a rich prayer life. I think it’s because I assumed a rich prayer life meant locking myself away for hours with a five-page list of prayer requests and spending at…

  • Quint Kindergarten & 4th Grade for Blayke

    Year 2020… I don’t even know what to say to you, lol. A year I personally, as a mom, had been so excited about because this year meant ALL SIX girls in SCHOOL 5 days a week. #mamafreetime YEAH RIGHT! LOL, That was only a dream. But as we all…

  • Hurricane Laura Aftermath

    It’s been a few days since #HurricaneLaura hit our home town of Lake Charles. It is so devastating. All of our friends and every single family member we have in Lake Charles has been impacted in some way by Laura, with many & most loosing everything! Every business and structure…