Being a Mom, what a gift I will never…or atleast i hope i never, take for granted. It is such a huge responsibility that i cant believe i actually have been given. Children, though they can be trying at times, are a true gift from God. I remember over 16…

  • Outdaughtered Season 3 Air Date

    We are just a few short weeks away from a Date that we (and Millions of our fans) have been waiting for for so long.  It’s been the single most asked question that we have gotten over the past 6 months. When will Season 3 of Outdaughtered air?  We can…

  • Pinterest Fun with Quints

    Fun with Pinterest! As a Mom of 6…..I bet you can guess how often I go to Pinterest for ….well…EVERYTHING! Lol. From what are some quick healthy family meal ideas, to what are some ideas to entertain the quints and Blayke. I am pretty sure you can find something for…

  • Hurricane Harvey VLOG: Part 2

    In the wake of Hurricane Irma that is currently affecting Florida.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you.  It’s crazy how we can go over a decade without a major hurricane disaster and then we have had two in the span of a couple weeks. Hurricane Harvey had us house…

  • Hurricane Harvey Vlog: Part 1

    Hurricane Harvey….how you will definitely be in our memory book for sure. Hurricane Harvey is our FIRST hurricane with the quints, and Blayke. I’m not going to lie… a couple of scary things ran through my head when we found out the hurricane was coming our way…one, HOLY COW..do we…

  • Fluffy Slime

    Blayke is obsessed with making slime…so on a rainy day we decided to make Fluffy Slime. I found a Fluffy Slime recipe on Pinterest and had a lot of fun with our science activity. Yes Blayke and her bestie, Kennie, are in long sleeve Christmas clothes, lol. They crack me…

  • Waterpark Adventure

        Before we had the quints, we visited Palm Beach at Moody Gardens literally every weekend with Blayke. She absolute loved it … and still does. We definitely miss all our ‘easy weekend trips’ when we only had one kiddo, because now just a simple day trip is a…

  • Danielle’s Full NICU Speech with photos

    Ever since watching the episode of OutDaughtered  where Danielle gave the speech for the March of Dimes about her NICU experience, we have gotten thousands of request to release the full uncut/unedited version.  The version that you saw on TV was pretty moving, but was nothing compared to the full…