• Life Song

    I have a LOT of what I like to call “LIFE SONGS”…  which are the songs God uses to speak to me in reflection of my past, present and hope for the future. There are lots of ways one can feel close to God, but Worshiping with music is one…

  • MOTHER’S DAY 2024

    Being a Mom, what a gift I will never…or atleast i hope i never, take for granted. It is such a huge responsibility that i cant believe i actually have been given. Children, though they can be trying at times, are a true gift from God. I remember over 16…


    As we have approached BIRTHDAY week for our girls, its this week that I get reminded of THIS life I live…the life I live everyday as my ‘normal’ but a life that is very extraordinary and rare. Some days it is hard to remember what all I have gone through:…

  • Mama & Quints Adventure

    A day with Mama while Daddy was out of town for some meetings. We didnt have much going on and it was a gloomy day… we just wanted to get out of the house. I decided to do a little Raising Caines chicken pickup and go to the park for…

  • What Are You Afraid Of?

    Do you ever find yourself walking through life afraid? Or maybe you are in a current season of your life being afraid??? Well I would like to share with you a piece of my story; a season when i was afraid….but not only just afraid. I was scared! I was…

  • Holidays 2022

    Playing catchup here on the blog and wanting to make sure to add in our 2022 holiday season into this “memory keeper” of mine. Thanksgiving We stayed home this Thanksgiving and enjoyed lots of traditions. If you now us, you know us Busbys love some games and good ‘ol competitions.…

  • Be Bold. Press On. Shine Bright.

    No matter the trials or troubles you are currently in, know God is there for you and with you. He is waiting for you to lean into His never ending LOVE.  Set the fear as side, let the worries go, and believe in the one who created YOU for a…

  • First Broken Bone

    WELL… I’m glad we have made it this far with 6 kids, but we have officially reached the First BROKEN BONE in the Busby house. I literally never thought it would be Blayke who broke a bone first and I literally never thought it would be broken by doing something so…

  • Back to School 2022-2023

    ANOTHER SCHOOL YEAR!!! This one is a big one, well at least for Blayke. She started 6th grade, which means MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!! She absolutely LOVES it! She loves the ‘more freedom’ she has from switching classrooms, walking to lunch on her own, and of course her locker, lol. The quints…

  • The BIG Question…s

    Well it’s been some time since we have had our camera crew around and lots of you have noticed and of course ask everyday “is there going to be another season of OutDaughtered”. Along with that question is another top question asked, which is regarding my health condition and how…