• Hurricane Harvey VLOG: Part 2

    In the wake of Hurricane Irma that is currently affecting Florida.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you.  It’s crazy how we can go over a decade without a major hurricane disaster and then we have had two in the span of a couple weeks. Hurricane Harvey had us house…

  • Fluffy Slime

    Blayke is obsessed with making slime…so on a rainy day we decided to make Fluffy Slime. I found a Fluffy Slime recipe on Pinterest and had a lot of fun with our science activity. Yes Blayke and her bestie, Kennie, are in long sleeve Christmas clothes, lol. They crack me…

  • An OutDaughtered Mardi Gras Bash

    We are a Louisiana family and a big part of our heritage is to celebrate Mardi Gras.  We would look forward to getting off of school for an extended weekend every year and going to all of the parades and other fun festivities surrounding the holiday. We try to keep…

  • A Weekend Back Home

    We know, we know…. Thanksgiving?  Yep!  Thanksgiving.  Adam hasn’t really stopped filming the girls on little family outings, but we have 6 kids and he works full time. We just get to sharing it when we can. Here is a little video of out trip back home to Louisiana for…

  • Trick or Treat…It’s HALLOWEEN!

    The Busby’s brought their “Zoo” through the neighborhood this year. Zoo Keeper Blayke kept Daddy, Mommy, and the ‘Quintuplet Zoo Animals’ all in line. 😉 Though the quints first Halloween was last year, this was the first Halloween they were able to trick or treat. Trick or treating this year…

  • The future of OutDaughtered

    Never in a million years would we have imagined that we would be in the position that we are right now. To go from finding out we were pregnant with quintuplets, then realizing that God wanted this story so much more special by making them all girls. We knew that…

  • Sunday Splash Pad Fun

    Sundays always start with morning rushes to get everyone, all 8 of us, ready and off to church for 9am. Today we had our official first late arrival day to church, Oops!  I guess we got home too late from Frolic’s Castle and shopping in American Girl store for McKenzie’s…

  • Mother’s Day with OutDaughtered Birth Preview

    ♥Mother’s Day♥ What an emotional day it has been today. Last year this time we were visiting the quints in the NICU….and though it was an amazing day, it was so hard to not have our babies home with us. Today brought lots of joyful moments with our family of…