• Summer Fun at Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort VLOG

    Summer of 2018 has been a complete blast! Our family goal this summer was, and is, to have a lot of adventures and lots of fun! One of the adventures was our first road trip with the six girlies. Yes, we have taken some road trips to Lake Charles to visit…

  • Buzz Birthday Candles Video 3

    Every year when we have Daddy’s birthday, Blayke picks out the type and color of the cake. Don’t ask why lol…you would think Adam would get to pick his own cake but not with a house full of girls…haha. 100% of the time the cake is confetti and then the icing…

  • Mothers Day 2018

    Mothers Day will always be a day that means the world to me. There used to be days, months and years that went by where I thought I would never have this day to celebrate. I wanted nothing more but then to be a Mom…. without even knowing or imagining…

  • Family Vacation Prep

    Prepping for a family of eight to go on vacation took weeks! All the planning around what ALL do we bring!!!! AHHHHH!!! How do we keep 6 kids occupied on a plane for 8+ hours, airport lay overs, jet lag, sleeping situations, transportations…carseats and a van big enough to transport…

  • Busby Quintuplets 3rd Birthday

    Happy 3rd Birthday  Ava, Olivia, Hazel, Riley & Parker Kate Wow! Three years old already. I feel like it was literally yesterday when I was having quints, taking them home, figuring out our new life….and now…its been three years! We no longer have little babies! We have five little toddlers.…

  • Happy 7th Birthday Blayke

    ♥Our Blaykers♥ Oh how we can not believe you are 7 years old. Every year before her big day, Adam and I always find ourselves watching old videos of Blayke from years back. It is definitely hard, in a good way, to watch all these old amazing little videos of…

  • The BIG DAY! – Rush Cycle League City

    In September 2016 Adam and I decided to jump on board and start a new adventure with our greatest of friends —>Priscilla & Todd Hartranft (#dontforgettheF, #insidejoke), and Kylie & Pete Ilieski….and what might have that adventure been?? Something as simple and easy... *wink wink… as opening up our OWN BUSINESS!!…

  • Hurricane Harvey Relief

    Our town of League City, as well as the areas right around here were flooded pretty bad during Hurricane Harvey.  It is so incredible to see hundreds of people come together to serve one another….even if they do not even know the person. To see those who did not flood…

  • Waterpark Adventure

        Before we had the quints, we visited Palm Beach at Moody Gardens literally every weekend with Blayke. She absolute loved it … and still does. We definitely miss all our ‘easy weekend trips’ when we only had one kiddo, because now just a simple day trip is a…

  • HAPPY 6th BIRTHDAY Blayke!

    Happy 6th Birthday my Sweet Blayke! My Sweet Sassy and now SIX year old! Words can not express how proud I am of you. This year you have accomplished so much! You started kindergarten, you ride a bus to school (I still can’t believe I let you do this..but you love…