Life Song

I have a LOT of what I like to call “LIFE SONGS”… 

which are the songs God uses to speak to me in reflection of my past, present and hope for the future. There are lots of ways one can feel close to God, but Worshiping with music is one of the ways I personally connect with the Holy Spirit. Even when doing house chores and laundry (like currently😊)  

But listen up #readup 😝, one cant just say  “I want a piece of chocolate” and it just appear. You have to go ‘get it’, right??
If one wants to hangout with a friend, you prob have to call / text / reach out to them, right?? 
Well this is all same !! The same with God.  If you  want, or looking for something from God, you are going to have to …seek … to do…to try…. You have to give yourself those opportunities of …a moment / a relationship / closeness / comfort / His presence. Just as you give yourself to your friendships, just as you seek the wants of diff foods, you too have to seek God if you want to know God.

If music touches you like it does me, then challenge yourself to choose wisely what you are listening to and give yourself simple opportunities (like when doing laundry ) to put on worship music.

Even  in the middle of folding three loads of laundry for my quintuplets, I chose to put on worship music videos on youtube (instead of binge watching Netflix, like I often do) . And in something so normal as doing daily chores , one of my ‘life songs’ came on …. and all of a sudden I’m in tears while folding clothes. (Oh! and have I told you I’m not a crier ?!? Lol)

You see, in that moment of laundry…with my current thoughts & struggles In my head that I’m facing….to hear ‘that song’ ….

(And YES. I do believe it was God.)

He reminded me of Who He is, where He has brought me and that His goodness & love has never changed.  AND THAT was WHAT I NEEDED TO BE REMINDED OF. 

Though I know those words to be true, we often forget when we are in a struggle. So friends, today I’m just thinking of how wonderful it is to have a God that never changes.

So this weekend friends, challenge yourself to change one small thing in your day. Be mindful of what you are listening and watching. Is it bringing you closer to God or pulling you into the worldly distraction?? 

Also, do you have a life song? If so, please share. Id love to listen.

~ XO ~ D

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