The Busby Quints are 7 MONTHS OLD!
I can not believe 7 months has gone by.  All the quints are so healthy and happy, getting the hang of rolling over better each day, practicing sitting up by themselves, showing us their attitudes lol, and getting teeth. Olivia got her teeth about 2 weeks ago and now AVA!! I think Hazel will be next..prob by next week her two bottom teeth will be out. The biggest milestone we will approach this month is FOOD! We will start trying rice cereal…stay tuned for that 😉 It’s going to be a messy blast, lol.
Ava Lane
Two bottom teeth out!! Ava still is the boss of the girls. I love when she plays under the play gym because she will grab a hanging toy and shake the WHOLE play gym, so hilarious…and she doesn’t care if other hanging toys are hitting her…she thinks it is so fun.
Olivia Marie
Still always a smiling. She makes even funnier faces now that she has teeth. Love how sweet she was when she fell asleep in the bumbo, so precious of her.
Hazel & Riley
The TWO deceiving in pictures how happy they look all the time, lol. These two little boogers are the most neediest. ♥ So needy that I had to change both their diapers at “same time” (thats what was happening in the picture).
Parker Kate
Sweet ‘ol baby right here!!
Blayke went to her first dentist appointment this week. Girl was a rock star there! No cavities, YAY!!  Her favorite part about the visit was the birthday cake flavored toothpaste (she got a kick out of that) and the vacuum thing that sucks the water out of your mouth, she laughed every time.. it was so funny. So proud of her for doing such a good job there so of course we had to get a treat afterwards…and what did Blayke want….a blueberry muffin, haha.
As we are getting closer and closer to the most wonderful time of the year, I can’t help but think about how blessed we are and how God has been so loving and gracious to us. Most people would say ‘they could never do what we do’ but the truth is… you could…you can…because WE CAN! I CAN! All because I have allowed myself to make God bigger in my life.
I remember when we went through our first round of trying to have our second child and we were unsuccessful….and the question I had for God were “what is it this time?? what do you want from me?? you have my heart, now what more?” Well my truth is…there is ALWAYS MORE..always more I can give. AND that is what He was looking for from me…the ‘I NEED YOU ALL DAY AND NIGHT” faith. Though I ‘thought’ I did rely on Him pre-quints, it is so evident that having quintuplets has only made my faith stronger and stronger. We have made it through SO MANY trials of faith that have only made stronger….from life with five babies in the NICU… to having five screaming babies at home that you just can’t console all at once 😉
Patience! Trust! Love! Belief! Selflessness!
As hard as each day may be…or as challenging as some times may seem…and as many times as I may want a break…I feel nothing but GRATEFUL to have this life! In the midst of a chaotic moment, all it takes is one snuggle from what was once a tiny 2 pound baby thats whole body fit right on my what is now a snuggle from a 15 pound baby thats whole body fits on my torso. The size of her head now, used to be the size of her whole body. For the moment that seemed to be unbearable with loud nonstop screams…turns into a moment full of blissful tears ..because in that ‘moment’  God has reminded me by a simple loving touch from one of the babies that WE ARE SO LUCKY. The faith HE has in ME to be this Mommy to these 6 kids….its a powerful & emotional feeling. WE….I AM BLESSED!