Quint Bump Poppin at 19 Weeks

Monday is here….which means another week growth for our Quintuplets 🙂 My morning started off with a great Bible verse:

1 Corinthians 2:9 (ESV)

“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard,
    nor the heart of man imagined,
what God has prepared for those who love him”

What a great verse to hear for the day…especially the day we head to the doctor for our regular 2 week checkup. I couldn’t help but think about our quint journey we are on and  how we have NO IDEA what to expect in the days, months, years to come. All our trust and faith is in God through this journey. For us, our quint journey is “something so unimaginable” but the fact that we LOVE our God, we know this “unimaginable picture” is something He has perfectly planned for US. It is so great to be reminded, with just one Bible verse, how He is in control of our lives and how much comfort that brings to me.

Doctor visit update:

All babies have gained around 3oz since last appointment, weighing each about 8-9oz. (Just to give you an idea…me with Quints at 19 weeks, I am carrying about 2.5lbs of baby (just baby..not counting weight of placentas), this is your average pregnancy at 28-29 weeks.) All are moving around really great (but it’s not like I “didn’t know that…I feel them little princess all the time, lol). All the limbs and organs that were looked at today were all great, no issues with any baby. We got to see all their faces (nose and lips/mouth) and NO clef palettes!!! Praise God for that today.

The only issue we had today was trying to actually see Baby C….Baby C is ALL the way at the bottom, so all 4 sisters are spread out nicely on-top of her (poor sweetie). Doctor was able to get a few organs and limbs measured on her but it sure was difficult. Unfortunately, we did not get to see Baby C’s face so we will look next time. 

NO signs of twin to twin transfusion!! Praise God 🙂

Though Adam’s blood results were in, my Doctor wanted the full report to review before talking to us. We waited around a few minutes to see if the report would get faxed… so we can talk to Doctor in person instead of over the phone, but the faxed didn’t come through after 10-15 min and we had to leave to go pick up Blayke.

Doctor asked me what physical activity I am still doing and I laughed and said “I’m nervous to answer that because I don’t want to get in trouble” (lol)… Doc laughed and told me I wouldn’t get in trouble (lol)… and said if I am able to do things, continue as much as you can just as long as I’m not in pain and overdoing it. Since everything is looking good at this point, I may not have to have official “bed rest” at home but he thinks hospital bed rest will be around 24wks. So I hear this and I’m totally like… YAY!! inside!….and now I’m thinking of a new challenge: How long can I stay at home until I have these Quints 🙂 

The girlies didn’t want to cooperate and give us a nice ultrasound pic (lol) but we did get a partial 4D face image of Baby D and E. So cute 🙂

19w_Baby D and E 001

All in all …this doctor’s visit was great. On to the next week 🙂

…Oh! and All babies are still GIRLS! 

Thank you all for your continued prayers. We feel the works of these prayers everyday!




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