Our Quints are 6 MONTHS OLD!!!!
Now that the girls are 6 months old…they have all been developing so great! Their pediatrician was impressed with their level of development and how chunky they have gotten (love me some chunky babies!!). They can all do belly time really well now, roll from tummy to back…..and ALMOST doing back to tummy, sitting up by themselves is still a work in progress, pulling toys/objects to their mouth, and of course they slobber and drool like dogs ;). Teething is definitely happening in this house….can you image how ‘fun’ this stage it hahaha. We have hit a huge milestone….dropping the reflux meds!!! What this means in our house → NO MORE syringes everywhere, lol. This is huge! OMG! Makes me so excited! (Ava, Olivia and Riley have been on three different reflux meds twice a day and Parker and Hazel on one twice a day). We are down to only Prevacid for all babies and it’s only twice a day, morning and night. No more 20-30 syringes of meds to clean everyday!! We will continue with Prevacid twice a day for 2 weeks then drop it and see how the girls do without it. Let me just tell you how much easier this has already made feeding five!! I’m so excited we are out growing reflux. Now that it is RSV season, the girls all are getting the RSV shot. We divided up 3 then 2 babies to get the shots done. Sucks so bad to see them get shots, and they have to get this shot once a month through the season…not fun…but whatever helps the girls during this season, especially because they were preemies. Olivia, Parker and Riley went first…they look thrilled, lol.
Though the girls are 6 months old, we have decided not to start cereal or food yet just because we want them to be closer to their corrected age instead of actual age…plus since we are dropping the reflux meds, the pediatrician and I don’t want to make too many changes all at once. The girls eat every 3.5 hours at about 6-7oz of formula each feeding. No more breast milk 🙁 We cleared out all the frozen stash that was in the freezer a few weeks ago…sure did make me sad when the last bottle of breast milk was given 🙁 In about another month, we will step into the real food feedings. This makes me laugh already….can’t imagine how fun this will be. Adam and I been watching Quints by Surprise lately and the episode we saw the other day mad us laugh because they were feeding their quints food and it was a messy disaster, lol. It will probably drive me crazy the amount of mess that will come with feeding quints baby food, hahaha. The exciting new milestones to come ♥

(Do you see Olivia’s screaming face…and Ava’s “didn’t do it” face…lol)

(A family walk to the park for Blayke and Riley got to be the first to swing while all the others slept.)
Parker Kate = 13lbs 3oz
Parker is still such a great baby…pretty much still holds the title for being on the A+ team ;)…but as much as I would like to say she is the quiet baby….that no longer exist...haha. Parker has found her voice…and it is L.O.U.D! She LOVES to hear herself squeal. She always is smiling…happy happy baby. Her and Olivia will go back and forth squealing…especially in the evening and it’s an instant headache every night after about 10 min of loud squealing…it is funny though. I keep thinking she will be the first to have a tooth because her hands are constantly in her mouth. Parker loves to chew on our hands which then turns into her gagging herself, hahahaha. I try my best to get her to chew on teething toys so she won’t spit up, but …always straight back to her hands, lol. Parker loves to sleep with arms up, no matter how you wrap her or place her down, she will end up with arms up.
Blayke Louise
Blayke is really starting to love playing with her sisters now. They are at the age where they can smile and laugh with her and Blayke LOVES this. Her favorite thing to do now is help them roll over…Blayke laughs every time. Blayke loves holding her sisters, especially first thing in the morning when they wake up and right after school.
It is so sweet to hear her talk to the quints and boy oh boy, do the quints love their Blayke…..they seem to be so amazed at Blayke ♥
(Look at Parker Kate…so happy to be watching Blayke)
She requires a lot of attention now days, which is understandable 🙂 We try everyday to make special time for Blayke. It can be the smallest things that make her feel special, as simple as a quick breakfast trip to donut place before school. We try to do as many fun things with her like going to the movies or going a big sister bowling date night too♥
Love my big girl so much and so proud of her for being so great with so much change in her life.