Quint Bump Poppin at 21 Weeks + weekly update

I don’t think I did much of anything at all last week… well except on Friday when I actually felt “ok”…got out for lunch with my girl Kylie and we went to Olive Garden (love me some chicken alfredo, YUM!!). It was such a nice weather week and while everyone was out running (so jealous), I was on the couch drinking Ensures which make my legs turn into jello…(NOT COOL!). My life has become much of laying on the couch….so not fun but it does feel so much better to lay down. I need to take up a “couch hobby”, lol. I find I am eating smaller portions because of indigestion and now I want to eat a lot more…woke up THREE times last night to eat! Which this is good, more food / protein / nutrition I can take in, the better.

My doctor appts are getting really interesting. I thought Adam and I were pros at identifying what’s on the ultrasound screen…until today. I felt like I couldn’t see what was what, lol. The babies are growing and getting squished…it is hard to identity who is who.  My appts take about an hour to hour and half. I can no longer just “lay there” while the scans are being done. It’s so uncomfortable to lay flat on my back because I can’t breathe, so I have to reposition like every 5 minutes which therefore makes the ultrasounds take longer (sorry every patient after me..FIVE times the ultrasounds needed, lol).

Of course Buzz snapped an unexpected photo. This was after my like 10th time of repositioning, lol. 21-week-visit

Anyways…here is the Dr appt update:

Everything looked great!! Carrying about 5lbs of baby right now, which is average 34wk singleton. All babies look great, growing well, good fluid and blood flow. Still no signs of twin to twin transfusion too 🙂 I got my blood retested to text my Kell antibody levels, so will see if my levels changed at all …hopefully not.

Dr asked how I am doing physically and if I can make it at home a few more weeks and I said…heck yea!! ( I don’t want to have to go into the hospital till I HAVE TO). He will not necessarily put me in hospital at 24 wks if I’m still ok being home. But now I’m telling myself to for sure slow down so I can stay home…and make sure I lay down a lot. Dr said more I lay down, the better. More than likely I will be too miserable and they will want to monitor and start steroids etc for babies by 25wks. But I’m feeling confident I can make it past 28wks 🙂 but my belly…wowzer! It’s stretching and hurting for sure.

Next appt we will focus less on baby anatomy (since we have identified all the things we need to) and start focusing more on other things… and trying to see more of my poor super squished Baby C.

All in all, great appt. YAY!



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