A MONTH!! A month has already gone by and my little quints are a month old! I was looking back at pictures on my phone and it feels like it was just yesterday when I was laying around in my hospital bed missing Blayke so much…
but now it has changed to missing my quints all the time. Even though I see them everyday, for parts of the day, it is just not enough…I’m ready for them to be home so I can loose my mind with the craziness but love on them all the time like I get to do with Blayke!
Each day I look at the girls…each one of them…it is still hard to believe they are mine, they are ours! They are already so beautiful and their little features have changed so much in the last month. Ava and Olivia are the “chunky” ones…never thought a 3 1/2 lb baby could look chunky but they definitely have “rolls” compared to the others haha. With Hazel being the smallest at birth…she seems to be the one who has changed the most. Her face is looking more and more like a baby and she is so darn cute with her full head of blonde hair! Riley reminds me of me the most. She has fair skin like I did as a baby and she is the only one who has skin like this….maybe she will have dark hair like me too …I just want atleast one dark hair girly like their Mommy. Parker Kate, to me, looks so much like Adam….her and Hazel both but in different ways. Parker Kate also looks a lot like Riley at times and the only way I can tell difference in a pic is because of their difference in skin color…ha. I feel like I am pretty good at telling them apart as they are in the hospital…but then I wonder if that will change once they are home..haha.
This week they started on manual temperature, meaning no more temperature probe on them where the bed adjust automatically to keep them warm. They are holding their own body temperatures pretty well now 🙂 This also means they are able to wear cute clothes to help keep them warm. Umm…so cute! They look like little baby dolls, ha.
The girls started Q-base feeding signs yesterday. This is when the nurses see if they have any signs of knowing it’s time to eat, when it’s eating time. Next week is a big week! We hope to introduce breastfeeding / bottles….which I’m so excited about. I honestly can’t wait to breastfeed the girls. Does that sound crazy or what, haha! The staff tells me they “know” I’m their Mommy but it’s hard for me mentally to get that because I’m only with them a portion of day… and the nurses are with them all the time. I feel that when I can breastfeed them (even if it were only one time)….guess what?! BAM! I’M yo momma! Nobody else can do that for them! lol. I just remember what it felt like to have those bonding moments with Blayke….I just can’t wait to “connect” this way with my little babies. *making me tear up thinking about it.
Speaking of Mommy bonding time…Mother’s Day is Sunday. What a special day it will be for me….Mommy to 6 girlies!! SIX! Weeeeeeeeeeh! I remember my first Mother’s Day with Blayke…She loved it so much…can’t you tell from he picture 😉 (Man! She looks like Ava in that picture). I am excited to celebrate this day but it also is going to be hard….Mom of 6 but I can’t have all 6 together with me…even when I am at the hospital visiting. *tear Most Moms want a ‘day off’ for Mother’s Day….but what I want….I just want to hold and love on all my babies all day, all together…have a picture with all of them…BUT I guess I have to wait. It’s hard having babies in the NICU…but I know this is where they need to be and I will take what I can get on Sunday with all my girlies.