Jan 16th was the day our Doctor was able to confirm that our ONE potential BOY was officially a GIRL. So now the Busby Quints are ALL GIRLS… WOWZERS!! After we shared this news with everyone, the first question that people ask is “Are you sad there are no boys?” Well…to explain…
Post – Cerclage Update
I planned on typing this post up all day yesterday but my “extra preggo brain” kept getting distracted…”today I need to do this…and then, oh I need to do that…hmmm what was I just doing, oh I’ll do this instead”. How I get anything done these days, no idea lol.…
First Specialist Visit
Yesterday was Danielle’s first appointment with the new Specialist. We will have to see him every two weeks until delivery. It was the worst visit yet… We tried to prepare ourselves going into this visit, because we knew that it wasn’t going to be fun. This is the visit where the Doctor…