Check out the cute little clip I did for TLC. I get a lot of questions on ‘How on earth do you have time to work out’…well the answer is simple, you just find time for it. We all find time to eat and sleep…but finding time for fitness/exercise is…
15, 18…20 Month Old Busby Quints
The last few months have been….ummmm…crazy!! When I thought life was wild months ago…it seems to keep getting more hectic as time goes on, haha. I have tried and tried to find time to blog, I hate how I haven’t been able to, but for some reason (lol) time gets taken away from…
Trick or Treat…It’s HALLOWEEN!
The Busby’s brought their “Zoo” through the neighborhood this year. Zoo Keeper Blayke kept Daddy, Mommy, and the ‘Quintuplet Zoo Animals’ all in line. 😉 Though the quints first Halloween was last year, this was the first Halloween they were able to trick or treat. Trick or treating this year…
Sunday Splash Pad Fun
Sundays always start with morning rushes to get everyone, all 8 of us, ready and off to church for 9am. Today we had our official first late arrival day to church, Oops! I guess we got home too late from Frolic’s Castle and shopping in American Girl store for McKenzie’s…
Blayke & the Quint’s Journey to Frolic’s Castle
As the weekend approached, both Adam and I realized the Quints hadn’t been out of the house in literally two weeks…poor babies. So we made it a must to have a family fun weekend OUT OF THE HOUSE!! We remembered the Memorial City Mall in Houston had an awesome new indoor…
10 Year Wedding Anniversary
10 years ago today, I woke up to what would be the FIRST best day of my life…. ♥ my wedding day ♥ When Adam and I started dating it was like we were two completely different people…two people who had no real common interest…. but two people who saw something about the other that…
Quint’s Houston Zoo Trip – Summer 2016
This is our first ‘real Summer’ because last year we were living the NICU life. We are trying our best to get out of the house more but its … ummm…exhausting… mostly because during the week Adam is working and if I want to take the girls somewhere, I have…
1 Year Old Busby Quints
WE DID IT!!! We made it through our first year with all girl quintuplets!! It sure was an emotional week… we had Blayke’s 5th birthday and then three days later the quints turned one. I was so emotional about everything…just the smallest things could trigger my memories back to where…
Happy Golden 5th Birthday Blayke!
Five years ago today I experienced the most magical and powerful feeling ever…..I became a MOM! Blayke Louise has brought so much joy and happiness to our lives. She has become such an amazing little girl and the best big sister to the quints. Her heart is full of love and…
Stuff! Stuff! and MORE STUFF!! My Must Have Baby Items!
As a mom of quintuplets, you can image the amount of ‘things’ we need and use daily. We have tried so many different brands of products and I have found that some brands work better than others….in my opinion 😉 Plus there are so many others who ask me ‘what…