• 11 Month Old Busby Quints

    Welcome to 11 months old! AHHHHHHH!!!! We have officially entered into the wild, crazy, hectic, everywhere stage. The girls have figured out how to crawl and now we can’t make them stay still. Feeding the girls their bottle, changing their clothes and diapers…used to not seem “that bad” but now…

  • Our FIRST Family Outing

    Well we braved it!! We decided to pack up the bunch and go for an outing! Buzz took out the BIG 6 seater stroller…which, is so comical to look at. It is huge and heavy …. but it’s pretty awesome because it carries everyone…even if Blayke wants to jump on…

  • 10 Month Old Busby Quints

    10 months!!! Are you kidding me!! How can this time go by so fast! (Next thing we know they will be 1 years old…better start planning that party now..AHHHHH!) The quints are becoming “wild”….they are not yet crawling but most of them scoot around. It’s still manageable to keep them under…

  • Are They Playing Together!?!

    Riley and Parker Playing Together With FIVE babies around everyday, you would think they would have their pick of who to play with. But it seems to be Mom is the one they ALL want to play with. I have been waiting and waiting for them to start playing and…

  • Social Media…. Family Book

    Sometimes Facebook and Instagram can be…of course fun…but sometimes it can be … well…annoying?? (Don’t know if that’s the right word, lol…but you know what I mean.) All the social media pages can easily become an addiction for a short time…or way too much time.  However,  this morning I started scrolling…

  • Space? Yes, Please!

    What a crazy busy couple of weeks it has been in Buzz World! We sold our home, packed up our entire life and moved to our brand new house…all within a 3 week span. That’s Right!! GO ahead…. imagine what that was like with quintuplets…lol. We were pretty stressed out…

  • 9 Months Old Busby Quints

    These girls are growing like crazy…where has time gone??? Since I missed posting month 8…there is so much that has happened in the last two months. We love all the ‘new’ things happening. It is so fun to see them all grow and their personalities become more and more noticeable.…

  • Life is Hectic…But Still Time for Santa

    The last few weeks / months have been so busy. Holiday season is here, also tons of family birthdays…and on top of that we have been trying to sell our house. BUT in the midst of all the craziness we still made time for our FIRST Santa picture with Blayke…

  • Evening with the Busby Quints

    I always “laugh” when it comes to our evenings….the last hour before the quints go to bed. It is never the same…but always L.O.U.D! We know every evening we have to put on our ‘oh well! its going to be loud’ hat….hahaha. Seriously! We are out numbered so we know…

  • 7 Month Old Busby Quints

    The Busby Quints are 7 MONTHS OLD! I can not believe 7 months has gone by.  All the quints are so healthy and happy, getting the hang of rolling over better each day, practicing sitting up by themselves, showing us their attitudes lol, and getting teeth. Olivia got her teeth about…