2019 Goal

The new year has arrived! It is that time of year most of us set goals…goals to eat better, goals to work out more…but what about setting a goal for your spiritual life? In 2018 my family set a goal to have more joy in our lives. We live a very hectic and different lifestyle than others and we have had to learn how to do life differently, so we can enjoy joy in the hectic overwhelming things J. It is never easy to make big adjustments in your normal life habits but following God’s guidance makes the adjustment worth it over time.

So, what is the 2019 goal?

2019 goal for me is to live out my Faith more. Over the last 10+ years that I have been a baptized Christian, my top three spiritual gifts are: Faith, Administration, and Craftsmanship (these gifts pin point me perfectly!!!)

the divine strength or ability to believe in God for unseen supernatural results in every arena of life.

the divine strength or ability to organize multiple tasks and groups of people to accomplish these tasks.

the divine strength or ability to plan, build, and work with your hands in construction environments to accomplish multiple ministry applications.

 I often wonder how I have made it through so many different trials in my life…but with Faith being one of my strongest gifts…it has guided me well. I believe, and I do not ever seem to question the unseen for my faith is strong. But just because we have a strong gift in something doesn’t mean we need to stop working on improving it.

Faith is the willingness to trust God to wait.


Look at Philippians 3:12 where Paul is about 50-60 years old and he is stating that he is not complete in his faith. Paul says no matter what, we need to ‘press on’ to continue. Spiritual growth is like running a long race. Press on to get to the end of the race. Today…none of us are really complete…even though we often appear to think we arrived to the finish line… we are actually just comfortable.

Comfortable… this is where I am today…. Comfortable! I have faith above all, but I do not feel I have been living out my faith loud enough for others to see Him in me. There is always room to grow!

The most dangerous part of spiritual life is to stop growing.


I admit it… I am just too comfortable these days… too lazy, too selfish and all around just not dedicating my time to God. So, this year of 2019, live out my Faithfulness is my goal. To GROW stronger in my faith but to let others see my faith…. because honestly, without faith… I do not know how I would have made it through life this far. God has never failed me… He has always been there to help me press on… but to grow, it takes effort from ME to press on.   So here is to a new year. The year of living out my Faith privately, publicly and in the community.

I love this new song called Steady Hand written by Clear Creek Community Church (our church). The words in this song remind us that no matter what, God has a steady hand and will always lead us to a place where we belong. Sometimes we get off path because the place where we belong is not the place where we want to be but the place God wants us to be. We have to step out of the comfort zone and press on…press on to the steadiness of God.

 “You are good you are good, and your love will always lead me to a place where I belong”

Lord, as this new year has arrived, I pray that I can stay focused…to stay focused on the things that help me grow. Help me to know you more. Help guide me on the straight paths I need to be led down and not the roads that take me off course. I am too comfortable these days and I pray you use me for your good. Lead me to be a better wife. Lead me to be a better mom. Lead me to be a better friend and neighbor and to my community. For I know you are Good and your love will always lead me to where I need to be. Amen.


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