There are a lot of people who tell me “you do to much”…. and maybe that is the case, sometimes lol, but I really DO enjoy the life God has given me! My family, my friends, my church, my community, my production crew, and our cycle studio. My days are full of exhaustion and challenges but also tons of JOY and accomplishments!
I was asked a few months ago to do a story for our local ABC13 News to share how a Mom of 6 kiddos can still find time for herself….especially time for fitness! I think one of the biggest things I have realized over the past few years is, we (Moms) can loose who WE are because we do so much for everyone else in the house. I became known as “THAT lady with all those kids” / ” the quint mom”….and though I enjoy that title, it seems to be the only thing people knew me as. I enjoy staying home with my kids but I was missing my career. I knew I would never go back to a full time job but I wanted something that made me feel like “an accomplished person”. So when Rush Cycle League City was born (lol….I call it my baby boy…haha)Â it has filled that gap of ‘what I can do and accomplish’. Getting back in the work atmosphere and finding that rhythm of Mom-Wife Life / Working Mom-Wife Life has made me feel like ME again.
I encourage all Moms out there to find that something that makes YOU feel like YOU. Maybe its a weekly outing to Starbucks with friends, maybe its volunteering, maybe its a part time job, maybe its working out everyday (which yes..always do that ♥ ) maybe its blogging, maybe its shopping….just do something that gets your mind off of your Mom duties so you can be replenished 😉
Check out the ABC13 News Story Me and our Studio was feature in.
Click image to see the story