ANOTHER SCHOOL YEAR!!! This one is a big one, well at least for Blayke. She started 6th grade, which means MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!! She absolutely LOVES it! She loves the ‘more freedom’ she has from switching classrooms, walking to lunch on her own, and of course her locker, lol. The quints…
Peace Out 2020 School Year
Wow! We finally made it through the most interesting school year ever. This 2020 school year was supposed to be so exciting for all our girls. Blayke was going into 4th grade and this was going to be the first year her sisters were going to attend kindergarten at the…
Quint Kindergarten & 4th Grade for Blayke
Year 2020… I don’t even know what to say to you, lol. A year I personally, as a mom, had been so excited about because this year meant ALL SIX girls in SCHOOL 5 days a week. #mamafreetime YEAH RIGHT! LOL, That was only a dream. But as we all…