Our town of League City, as well as the areas right around here were flooded pretty bad during Hurricane Harvey. Â It is so incredible to see hundreds of people come together to serve one another….even if they do not even know the person. To see those who did not flood pull together all they have and get out and help those who flooded…it’s humbling. Those who were fortunate not to flood have not just sat around and done nothing. Hundreds of members of our Church have walked into many homes who have lost everything; pulled up floors, sheet rock, cabinets; washed over 1400 loads of laundry; stepped in to do some of the hard stuff… like throw away so many cherish-able memories and items….things we may call ‘stuff’ but to those families it’s their home. It is devastating to see so much lost but I know God is bigger and He is going to create something amazing through this.
At Church on Sunday, we read Romans 12:9-15….
Romans 12: Marks of the True Christian
9 Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. 10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. 11 Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. 13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 1
…..though it was written thousands of years ago…is it not speaking exactly to all of us who did not flood?
Love one another and DO what is good. Honor the other more than yourself. Don’t be lazy, work hard. Show hospitality and welcome those who need a place to stay into your home. Laugh together and cry together.
Nick (my brother-in-law) was on a mission with some of the other guys in the neighborhood to rescue families stranded in their house. There were thousands of families that had to get rescued because the water just came in so fast. We are grateful for Nick and friend who all pitched in to help rescue families. They had a boat..and put it to use! I have been so proud of ♥my Buzz♥ too. Getting out there every second he could to help volunteer and put all his tools in the garage to good use. He has been coming home exhausted, but that didn’t stop him from waking up the next morning and repeating.

It was killing me to not be able to go do manual labor for families too…but with 6 kids at home and schools are closed…I had to hold the fort down. I became part of the laundry team at church and did something I do best ??? –> wash clothes, lol. I have learned that even when you can not do what you want to do to help, there is always another way you can help. So… laundry it was for me. And though I do laundry everyday all day for my family, it was so much more meaningful doing laundry for families that this may be all they have left…I just didn’t want to stop washing laundry. Even found a smart way to dry clothes that didn’t need to go in the dryer, lol. Multi-use Quint Gates 🙂Â
One thing I wanted to teach Blayke during this time of ‘she thinks she is on a summer break again’ …was to help her understand what has happened to our city…and to other families’ lives. I was able to get some help with the quints during nap time one day so me, Blayke along with our friend Priscilla and her kids packed sack lunches and went out in the community to deliver them to people in need. It was an adventure.. being that water was still in the community. But we walked some and then paddled in a little boat door to door. Blayke really took in what had happened and we prayed for those families that night.
How Can You Help?
So many have been asking what they can help with. And at this point, most families have been Rescued. Their homes have been or currently being torn out down to the studs. Then we start the Rebuild phase. Our church Clear Creek Community Church has put together a list of items needed that will go STRAIGHT to families in need in our community. If you have any of the items on this list and wish to donate, please drop off or ship to the address below. (Click the image)
or you can Financially Donate too
Help MiMi
We have been contacted by a lot of people afar wanting to help MiMi. MiMi house has been torn down to the studs and we work on rebuilding now. She will need to replace everything from groceries and toiletries, to bedding, to furniture, etc. We are not a family that ask for things but I have learned through my story of having quintuplets… that there really are people who want to be what Romans 12:9-15 says –> a True Christian! So if you are that person and want to love MiMi, she will graciously accept gift cards to places like Walmart/Target, Lowes/HomeDepot. We know the rebuilding phase will take longer than expected because everyone it the Houston area is all in need of the supplies and labor. MiMi will be staying with us for the time being. If you would like to send MiMi gift cards, you may ship to:
♥We stick together like birds of a feather♥ #thebestisyettocome #BoldLove #E96