Hello 2021 School Year

I can surely say “YAY!!!!” to the new school year. After 2020 COVID year with so many crazy ups and downs, I was so ready to get these girls back face to face in school.

Blayke started 5th grade (#mamacryingnotcrying) and the quints started 1st grade. This is the first year and only year all our girls will share the same school. So this Mama was totally excited about the ‘easier’ same school schedule. HOWEVER, now I face a new challenge of trying to keep up with all the teachers and activities, LOL.

Since the quints were starting at a new school this year, a much BIGGER school, we gave them the option of wanting to be separate or in a class with sisters. *Almost every year in pre-k / school we choose to split the quints up when we could. However, Parker shared a class with a sister every year in pre-k accept for pre-k4.

All the girls were nervous for this BIG change and ALL of them expressed they want to be in a classroom with a sister and basically told us who they wanted to be with (that made it easy, lol). I actually was pretty excited to have them grouped up, just so its less teachers for me (HAHA) , but what I #mom think is best for them, is to split them up. BUT given a new year after COVID, a new school, new faces, etc…I was totally ok this year keeping them however they wanted. One thing that was certain was Ava & Olivia did not want to be in same room because everyone gets them mixed up, hahaha. (Poor identicals, lol. one day they will tell people they are not the other hahaha) So this kinda set the two rooms: Olivia and Ava, and then where do the others go. We did some ‘tutoring’ (if you want to call it that) at the end of Summer to see where each of the girls were on reading etc an that really helped us decide how to pair them up. SO we have one class with Olivia + Hazel, and a second class with Ava, Riley + Parker. None of the girls, not even Riley, wanted to be solo….so we have a 2+3 split…. and it seems to be working out ok for now 🙂

Every year we do a back to school Q&A with the girls , and its something I love and cherish so much. I LOVE and laugh at their answers. Just to see what they say and then to look back later and see what they said, and if it was true lol.
We typically do a nail day before school starts, but I ended up finding this kid spa and decided to take the girls there instead…just a little extra special something to celebrate my big girls !

Back to School SPA DAY

2021 Back to school Q&A
(Quint dresses are from Graeson Bee Boutique & Blayke “she is strong” tee is from BuzzWorld Shop)

I love the memories we are able to capture. I am so proud of my girls and I pray for a save and successful new school year.

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