The Public Life…

There are a lot of people who don’t understand our life…..and frankly, I don’t understand our live either, haha. From looking back years ago and knowing what life is now…I never in a million years would have thought I would live a life with six beautiful girls and have a reality tv show. Even though it has been years of this type of life, I still can’t get used to it. May sound strange, but that’s the truth. Everyday I STILL think “wow!! is this really my life???” …how amazing, beautiful, challenging, and just …blessed we are. There are so many people who think the life of a reality show is just ridiculous and full of exploiting your family….and …. well frankly, that’s partially true!!

BUT why does that have to be negative???

Is it wrong to say that WE FEEL CALLED to show the world Gods amazing works in our life? We never sought out to have “this life”, I mean who really does…hahaha. BUT God does call us to share your story, to be missional, to share in the hopes that one other life may find Jesus.  This is Gods design, not ours. He chose us to lead this life and tell HIS story through all the days we live on the earth.

We have had lots of ups and downs in our story, but we dont dwell on those moments, we embrace them. Those moments, the struggles the challenges, are the moments that help us grow. When we are in the valley, we tend to look up and seek God the most. I would not be where I am today without the struggles and challenges I have faced in this life, they have all led me closer and closer to God.

We all have our own story and its worth sharing.

So we share… and we do share publicly, but that is because we feel God called us to do so. It’s  not a bad thing to share or to have a tv show, I  just think the ‘world’ makes it seem like it has to be bad. It may be hard for you reading this to understand…and quite frankly, it is still hard for me to understand and it is  still hard for me to accept it. BUT God is using us, all of us, to share His glory.  I don’t necessarily care to have this public life, but you know what??? I do it anyway because we all have a purpose and even though mine is being lived out in a different way compared to yours, it doesn’t make it any more special than your story.


This public life we live is not for me… it’s for you (whomever you may be). I do believe there is someone out there that our story has or  will touch… to hopefully see God reflected in our life so that it is related to something in your (whomever you may be) life… to THEN lead you to Jesus! I believe that!!!

This life is not easy! It’s not easy being a Mom to 6 and its not easy actually sharing life publicly (the good and the bad). I am challenged everyday and temped everyday to quit… to flat out give up.  BUT everyday I see the faces of my miracle children and know what a journey God sent me down to be here today…. and I feel there is too much hope in my story to be wasted …a  wasted story if I didn’t tell the world how omnipotent and omnipresent God is.  Our days are never ideal…. they never go as actually planned, and for a lady who loves to plan and organize,  I have learned how to have so much more grace than I ever thought possible.

My identity is in Christ and my faith is BIG. 

We don’t always know the outcome , we don’t always know the next steps… or what the future will look like. What we DO KNOW is God is alive in us and we live our days according to His will. I still make mistakes constantly and as much as I want & try to be perfect, I am going to fail at times because I am human. But we repent, we pray, and we learn for our mistakes. But I can tell you that to live with Jesus in your heart, is to live a different way. I can confidently say I am covered with the armor of God and can take on any battle that comes my way. My faith is big and nothing can take me down…. not even social media 😉


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