13 Things About Olivia

Olivia is our goof ball in the group and her answers do make me laugh. I should have videoed her answering the questions because she was being so goofy and almost saying the complete opposite to what I know as her Mama to be her favorites. LOL. Thats LuLu for you 🙂

Food: chicken nuggets

Drink: lemonade 

Color: Green
(really LuLu??? that’s interesting…haha)

Toy: Piglet stuffed animal 

Song: Let is Grow (Lorax movie)

Movie: Frozen 

(seriously hilarious! I’m surprised she didn’t say the “Ava LuLu show” because that is what all the girls have always called the show.)

Love: Mama

Favorite place to go: Target
(just like her Mama)

Pet Peeves: somebody take my piglet

Advise: “be funny like me”


About the Author

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