Mothers Day 2018

Mothers Day will always be a day that means the world to me. There used to be days, months and years that went by where I thought I would never have this day to celebrate. I wanted nothing more but then to be a Mom…. without even knowing or imagining what that even “really” meant. After years of infertility and finally answered prayers, our first little princess Blayke Louise was born ( 7 years ago). She changed my world! I will never forget the day Blayke was born, the day I became a Mother. The over joyed emotion of life, that you are now responsible for, being born right in front of your eyes. Seeing a miracle from God right in front of my eyes. The unexplainable instant form of love that you don’t understand how to explain until the second you become a Mom and see your child for the first time.

To my Blayke Louise ♥ YOU made me a Mommy! You mean the world to me. You made me understand love on a different level. You helped me realize how much bigger God is than I could ever imagine. And you made me appreciate my own mother in a different way. I will always be your biggest fan! I will always be here for you. You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are. XOXO

After years go by being a Mother, my heart longed for a sibling for Blayke. I struggled with the question of ‘how do I ask God for more children when I already received my answered prayers?‘. I struggled with the ‘how can I love another child because my love for Blayke is so big‘…… ‘can I really love another child the same‘. I knew having another child would not be easy. I knew we may have to go down a long road of infertility once again. But ohhh did God have another plan for us.

After 3.5 years of having one daughter, we were blessed just after trying for two months, to be pregnant again. All my concerns and struggled thoughts that I wouldn’t be able to do this again (be another Mommy)…. it all came to one big shock! The shock of holy moly! we got pregnant that fast! To then after a few weeks of being pregnant…the big shock of holy moly! we are having quintuplets!!!!!! Life FOREVER CHANGED…once again…that day. And here we are 3 years in and I get to celebrate Mother’s Day with all FIVE of the quints and Blayke.

MY Quintuplets (still sounds so funny to say “my quintuplets” haha)♥ You are all something special and I do not know if you will every truly realize that. To actually be your Mom and have all five of you be created and grown within me at one time….it is remarkable. You all taught me from day one in the womb, that I have way more God-given strength then I could ever imagine. You all taught me that I can actually function with literally no sleep, lol, and you all constantly reassure me with my capability to multitask. But most of all, you taught me how BIG LOVE is. How once again, HOW MUCH BIGGER God is!

To my Ava Lane ♥ My first quint to be born and the one that is attached to my right leg, lol. You taught me that I am not really a claustrophobic person if it is you that is glued right next to me. I love how you love me, even if you are mad at me…haha… and you still want to be right next to me. I will always be your biggest fan! I will always be here for you. You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are. XOXO

To my Olivia Marie ♥ You make me laugh no matter what the situation may be. You taught me that life is full of joy and we should just aways “roll with the punches”. You keep me laughing constantly. I will always be your biggest fan! I will always be here for you. You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are. XOXO

To my Hazel Grace ♥ You are remarkable! You taught me that we should never wake up without a smile on our face. That life really IS full of rainbows and butterflies if you just wake up and enjoy what you have. You put up with a lot and you just roll with it. You have a spirit like no other and you bring me so much joy. I will always be your biggest fan! I will always be here for you. You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are. XOXO

To my Riley Paige♥ You amaze me daily! I don’t know how I have a little girl like you but you truly are amazing.  You are brighter than any other 3-year-old I know. You have taught me what the true meaning of having patience is (lol) and you constantly make me think outside the box. I will always be your biggest fan! I will always be here for you. You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are. XOXO

To my Parker Kate♥ You are a doll. You have a smile that will light up any room and though you are a Daddy’s girl, you are forever my baby. My last officially child. You taught me that there really is someone out there more stubborn than me, lol. I will always be your biggest fan! I will always be here for you. You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are. XOXO

My life is … just… so surreal. I am in awe of it everyday. I am a Mommy to six beautiful healthy girls and I couldn’t imagine my life without them.

Dear God, Thank you for another year of being able to be a Mother. I thank you for each one of my little girls, for they each bring me such joy in different ways. I pray that I continue to seek you daily. I pray that I abide by your guidance and seek your word, everyday, but especially for those days I feel like I am failing as a Mother. I pray Adam and I can raise our girls well, to know and love you as we do. Amen.




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