A few months back Adam and I partnered with a toy company called Learning Resources to help show parents how easy it can be to teach their children to learn through play. Learn through play has always been a concept I believed in, even before having kids of our own. Blayke has played with LR toys since she has was a toddler, and still loves the toys they offer for her age. With the quints now being toddlers…wild ones at that, lol…they find not only joy with LR toys, but their little wild selves become so focused during playtime… and you can just see their little brains processing and thinking. Having five kids at one time is a pretty unbelievable in its self … but seeing how five little ones process and learn differently is so interesting. It is pretty neat to see all the differences in each of them; how they play, process things and learn.
Some of the girls favorite toys are listed here if you want to check them out.
Also, you can get them on Amazon at the link below
1. Code and Go Robot Mouse   2. Bake & Learn Play Bakery Set
 3. Pretend & Play School Set  4. Puzzle Globe    5. Snap n Learn Number Turtles
Man! I feel like I just got used to writing the year 2017 correctly and now its about to be 2018….lol. I can not believe my favorite time of year is already approaching! I love being about to celebrate time with family, eat amazing food, and cherish every minute together.