When I got asked by a dear friend if I would be interested in writing a post for Sadie Robertson’s LiveOriginal.com blog… I was super thrilled and honor that I was even thought of. Even though I was honored to do the post, I sure was nervous about posting for someone else page….I mean, I’m not at all a “proper blogger”…if that even makes sense haha. I type like a speak, which means I will probably make up my own words and not use correct grammar, lol. So needless to say, I was a bit nervous if my ‘blogging’ would make sense and plus I had no idea what I wanted to share…I mean..I could share and share tons of stories about what and how God has transformed my life and How it is important to walk with Him daily… but what was the “right” thing to post about???
The last few months we have been going through the book of Romans at church. Once we got to Chapters 9 through 12….I started to get the repeated feelings and memories of what God has done for me and my family through all the ” I Can’ts” in life. I really felt God was pushing me to share this part of my journey…my story…HIS story. So Here it is…..
♥  When I Can’t He Can blog on LiveOriginal.com ♥