10 Year Wedding Anniversary

10 years ago today, I woke up to what would be the FIRST best day of my life…. ♥ my wedding day ♥ When Adam and I started dating it was like we were two completely different people…two people who had no real common interest…. but two people who saw something about the other that intrigued them….or as Adam likes to say “she was just different” (lol).


One thing that made me fall in love with this ‘I’m too cool for you with my highlights, , k-swiss, and neon lights under my car dude’ (lol) was his love for God, family, and his gift with children. There are not a lot of men out there that have a “way” with kids like Adam does. He is a kid at heart … still… and we both share this gift together. As I scrolled through old photos of us the last 10 years, it is so fun to see how we have ‘grown up’ and all the things God has done in our lives.


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I vowed 10 years ago to my Buzz with words to become one flesh, to put Christ first in my life, to honor and respect him, protect and care for him, to pray for and with him the rest of my life. I have been taken forever to this ONE man God has chosen for me and from this day, 10 years ago, I still honor this vow…forever and ever ♥

I am so very much blessed to call this man MY HUSBAND. I love you to the moon and back and further than that Adam!



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