No matter the trials or troubles you are currently in, know God is there for you and with you. He is waiting for you to lean into His never ending LOVE. Set the fear as side, let the worries go, and believe in the one who created YOU for a…
Stuff! Stuff! and MORE STUFF!! My Must Have Baby Items!
As a mom of quintuplets, you can image the amount of ‘things’ we need and use daily. We have tried so many different brands of products and I have found that some brands work better than others….in my opinion 😉 Plus there are so many others who ask me ‘what…
Quint Bump Poppin at 19 Weeks (after site crash)
Due to the blog site crash yesterday….I decided to repost my 19 week pic and doc update because a lot of you were unable to access it. Hopefully we will not have another crash issue. Enjoy 🙂 Monday is here….which means another week growth for our Quintuplets 🙂 My morning started off…