Our Blayke is 8 Years Old

Today my big girl turns 8! There are no words to explain my love for my sweet Blayke. The journey it took to have her was a long and rough road…over 2 years of infertility. For a couple who had no idea what infertility really was or what it would do to their lives, this challenge hit unexpected and just right out sucked! It was hard!! We didn’t know anyone who struggled with infertility or even if it’s something you should talk about. There were days, weeks and months were I was just so mad at the “why me…why us….why God why?!?”. As the years have gone on and I look back or our journey to Blayke, I know that that “sucky part” of my life was all part of MY Gospel story. 

Blayke…  I will never forget the moment you came into this world and I saw LIFE born. It was just AMAZING! As you approach 8 years old today, I am so choked up with tears of just pure joy. You are leaving these “kid years” and turning into a little lady so fast. Your heart is so full of love and your soul is filled with so much grace.

You are more than a daughter to me…
You are proof that there is a loving and more powerful God that loves us more than I can ever love you, and that is hard to fathom that someone else can love you more than me!
But that is God…He is love, grace and beauty.
Your journey to this world  brought me to see Jesus! You are the start to my Gospel story!
You are the definition of that indescribable mom-child love!
You are a miracle!
You are an answered prayer!
You are a blessing!

Don’t ever forget God uniquely created you and YOU are one of a kind! He created you knowing you would be given a huge responsibility to become a BIG SISTER, and not many little girls could adapt well with having quintuplet sisters…but you amaze me everyday with the motherly love you have for your sisters! I do believe God molded you just perfectly to be you, the big sister you are. This life is not the life I ever dreamed would happen for you.. but you remind me of me so much because you choose to persevere through the new challenges, and I love you for that.

Today I especially pray for you…


I pray that you pour out Your spirit and blessings on our Blayke. Let her have a hunger for you and want to grow to know and love you more and more. Guard her from the idols and temptations of this world and draw her heart to You. 

I pray that Blaykes words, actions, and entire life be an outpouring of Your grace, giving life to those around her. 

I pray that Blayke stays healthy and strong so that she may have strength to do the good works You prepared for her in her walk. Let her heart see the broken and needy so that she will serve others, just as Jesus came to serve not to be served. 

I pray that you make Blaykes mind sharp, to be filled with wisdom and discernment in her life choices. 

I pray for protection over Blayke as she walks through this scary world. 

I pray that Blayke stands firm in the truth, even in the face of temptation, and that she not shrink back and be destroyed by the pleasures this world. 

I pray that You clothe Blayke with strength and dignity and keep her free from anxiety and worry; fill her with a joyous anticipation for tomorrow (Proverbs 31:25). 


I hope this year brings you more joy than ever,
that you see God in all things,
and that you continue to love hard!
I love that God has blessed me with YOU!
My love for you will NEVER change… 
and you will always be my baby!

♥Happy 8th Birthday my sweet Blaykers♥

Love you more…
to the sky sky sky, so high high high!

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