Boy oh Boy! As you can tell…with no recent post...its been quite some time since I was able to provide an update on the kiddos. We have been in the middle of terrible twos, tantrums, potty training, sometimes not napping, 6 little own opinions….and lots lots more. Â Lets just say the ‘twos have taken over’.
Ill just get straight to the point, lol.
My Blaykers♥
Blayke will be 7 years old in just a months time. I look at her and think, wow! where did time go. She is such a light to our world. Her sassiness has not washed away ever since she turned 6 years old…she for sure has that on the regular 😉 She has a heart for animals and would let every animal in our house….if only Mommy would take care of it. I tell her every day…“I have enough wild animals to take care of daily 🙂 lol”. Blayke loves to read, loves anything art related and also loves science! She is always on a mission to stay constantly doing something. She continuously wants to learn and know more… I love this about her. Kinda reminds me of me  when I was young 😉 Blayke has lost 6 teeth already and is currently without her top two front teeth, she loves how she can drink from a straw without opening her mouth, lol.
Ava Lane♥
Ava has become so goofy. She has the most cutest laugh and her voice has changed so much since she has a vocabulary now. She loves to sing, smile big with her chiclets, cuddle with Mommy, and loves to say “NO” really loud. Anything you ask her, even if the answer would be yes, she says “NO!!”..haha. Her and Hazel play really well together…most the time they like to do their own thing, but also play with each other. Ava likes to do things on her on “I do it” is what we hear all day. Ava is the rascal when it comes to bed time. She likes to keep Olivia up, get in Olivia bed (even when Olivia doest want her there), and she likes to sing and kick the wall at the same time….just because its like playing drums, I guess. Still a Momma’s Girl ♥
Olivia Marie♥
Olivia is still the ‘class clown’. She has the curliest hair of the bunch and it is absolutely adorable. She reminds me so much of when Blayke was this age…constantly talking about whatever she sees and has run on sentences like no other, lol.  She loves shoes and will walk/run around with a pair of Blaykes shoes on all day…and they are like 6 sizes too big. She is just always in ‘character mode’…. spinning around, doing tricks…whatever it may be…just to get you laughing. “Momma! Momma! look at me!” Olivia is pretty demanding and her and Riley bicker the most, only because they are both so strong willed. Olivia will stand up for any of her sisters, if she sees one doing something to another that they shouldn’t… and she will be the first to ‘throw a punch’.
Hazel Grace♥
Free spirit Hazel Grace! I feel her name just fits her so well. She is in her own world most of the time, lol. She doesn’t care about what everyone else is doing…she wants to be independent and do her own thing. She LOVES to read, do puzzles, and sing! She speaks very clear and great sentences. This girl does not go to sleep without singing herself to sleep, it is so cute. She will start on one song but mix in like three others….like “there was a farmer had a dog and bingo was his name o…with a moo moo here and a moo moo there….apples and bananas, I like to eat eat eat..apples and banana” ( I could go on lol). She has been doing great with her glasses and her eyes have been fine ever since she had eye surgery about a year and half ago. We do still have regular follow up visits with the eye doctor, but we know this is something we will always do. All is well with her at this point 😉
Riley Paige♥
Oh Riley! This little one…love her so! She is a handful, to say the least. She is too smart for her own good. You can never tell her no, because she will figure out another way to get around whatever she needs/wants. She is the leader of the pack, buuuuut not so much in a good way, haha. She is bossy, sassy, and ‘knows it all’. She is obsessed with the song ‘jingle bell rock’ and we have to listen to it everyday! Funniest things about Riley is she doesn’t know Ava and Olivia apart so she calls each of them “Ava LuLu” or “LuLu Ava”…it is hilarious! AND all the others can tell them apart just fine. She loves to call every sister by their full name: “ABA Lane”, “LuLu Marie”, “Hazel GrAAAACE” (big emphasis on the aaaaaccee), “Parker PK” and then “Blayke WooWeeze” (Louise).
Parker Kate♥
Parker Kate “PK” is still Daddy’s girl. We always thought she would be ‘sporty spice’ but honestly, she is the most girliest out of all the quints. She LOVES lipgloss, playing dress up…but always asking to “wear a dress” EVERYDAY. She has a very curious mind and is always asking ‘whats that?’ She is super shy and quite in a new surrounding but is one of the leaders out of the bunch. She loves playing with babydolls and will be walking around with something in her hands: a doll, a stuffed animal, a blanket (most of the time). Probably one of my favorite little things about Parker is she talks in third person. So when she wants something, she will say “Parker wants milk”.
There is a LOT more I could go on about but I do know one more UPDATE that I need to blog…and that is …